Summary and Background

Garden River First Nation (GRFN) is currently accepting proposals to complete an update of our Citizenship Registry Regulations (aka Membership Code) of the GRFN #14. The existing Citizenship Registry Regulations was approved by referendum on June 15, 1987 and revisions are required.


Garden River First Nation is under the affiliation of the Anishinabek Nation (Union of Ontario Indians) and Mamaweswen (North Shore Tribal Council) and was established under the Robinson-Huron Treaty of 1850. GRFN has a registered membership comprised of 2307 registered band members and 890 affiliated registered status with a total citizenship of 3197.

Native registration for citizens occurs through an application process initiated with either the citizen or through the assistance of The Membership Clerk and sent to Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) for processing. Once registered, the citizen’s information is sent to the Membership Office. As per the existing Citizenship Registry Regulations, the citizen is either classified as affiliated or as a registered band member.

The Membership Committee was established in 1988 after the inception of the Citizenship Registry Regulations. The 2021-2022 Membership Committee comprises of Peter Jones (Chair), Deb Belleau and Councillor Cindy Belleau-Jones. Councillors Brandi Nolan, Chris Thibodeau, Darwin Belleau and Trevor Solomon attend the meetings as Portfolio Holders. Terri Tice is the Membership Clerk and provides administrative and technical support. The GRFN Chief and Council is the governing body and represent the GRFN membership.

Mission Statement

In the spirit of our ancestors and our Treaty, we endeavour to conduct ourselves in a manner that is consistent with the Seven Grandfather Teachings given to us by the Creator. We envision a harmonious community that is built on mutual respect that maintains a healthy balance through prosperity and well-being. Through these actions we intend to create a self-sustaining community that fulfills the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well-being of all members.

Nbwaakaawin – Wisdom
Zaagidwin – Love
Mnaadendmowin – Respect Aakdehewin – Bravery
Gwekwadziwin – Honesty
Dbaadendizin – Humility Debwewin – Truth


Proposal Guidelines

This Request for Proposal represents the requirements for an open and competitive process as per Basic Principles of Garden River First Nation’s Tendering Policy. Proposals will be accepted until Thursday March 31st 2022. Any proposals submitted after this time will not be considered.

If the individual consultant or business submitting a proposal must outsource or contract any work to meet the requirements contained herein, this must be clearly stated in the proposal. Additionally, all costs included in proposals must be all-inclusive to include any outsourced or contracted work. Any proposals which call for outsourcing or contracting work must include a name and description of the individuals or organizations being contracted.

Contract terms and conditions will be negotiated upon selection of the successful proposal. All contractual terms and conditions may be subject to review by Garden River First Nation legal.

Proposal submission must include the following:
1) Cover Letter – A cover letter dated and signed by a person authorized to negotiate, make commitments, and provide any clarifications with respect to the proposal on behalf of the bidding Consultant or firm. Provide a statement indicating your company’s understanding of the proposed project and the deliverables required. Provide an indication of any proposed deviations or exceptions to the terms and conditions outlined in this RFP document.

2) Proposed Project Plan – A proposed project plan with detailed methodology and timelines that indicate the steps to be taken from the start of the contract to completion. Plan must include the following;
• Projects stages/tasks, who is responsible, and the deliverables tied to each of the stages/tasks (For example meet with GRFN committees, community engagement etc.)
• Time frame for proposed activities and deliverables
• Deadline for the submission of deliverables

3) Qualifications and Experience
Identify project team and provide a breakdown of qualification for each member of the project team including:
• Name
• Role
• Responsibility
• Location
• Estimated amount of time each resource will be dedicated to the project
• Resume showing experience, education and any professional certification
• Length and type of experience
• Related experience specific to drafting a First Nation Membership Code

4) References
Please supply three references for your company or lead Consultant.

5) Budget
All costs must be itemized and to include an explanation of all fees and costs.
o Personnel costs (professional fees/travel per diem/expenses etc. for evaluator/assistant/support staff
o Supplies, materials, equipment
o Communication costs such as phone, fax etc.
o Copying/printing costs

6) Submission
Proposals should be submitted by mail or electronically to the attention of:

Terri Tice, Membership Clerk

Garden River First Nation

7 Shingwauk St. Garden River, Ontario

P6A 6Z8


Purpose and Scope of Work

The GRFN will be issuing a call for proposals for an Individual Consultant or Business to compile a final Citizenship Code (name of code may change). The Citizenship code must be reflective of our Anishinaabe beliefs, natural laws, and our inherent right to self-governance as we determine the citizenship and registry of our own people.

The purpose of the project is three-fold:

1) Draft version of the Citizenship Code while working with the membership and governance committees and assist in the facilitation of engagement sessions with community members.

2) Present final Citizenship Code to Chief and Council and Community.

3) Assist in Bringing the Citizenship Code for a referendum vote or BCR.
The Methodology of this project includes:
• A thorough review of the existing Citizenship Registry Regulations (Membership Code)
• Assist in hosting community engagement and information sessions with members
• Work on draft code with the Governance Committee and Membership Committee
• Present final documents to Governance Committee and Membership Committee
• Present final draft and information session Chief And Council
• Present final draft and information session to the Community of Garden River First Nation
• Prepare for Referendum or BCR

Citizenship code may include but not limited to the following sections:

1) Preamble that gives a statement to the purpose of the code and statement in respect to GRFN’s political and philosophy beliefs
2) Title (Assist in determining a name for the Code)
3) Purpose
4) Jurisdiction & Authority
5) Definitions
6) Entitlement and Eligibility Criteria for Citizenship
7) Non-Aboriginal Resident (May tie in with residency law?)
8) Membership Committee
9) Application Process
10) Appeal and Review Process
11) Adoption of Children and Adults
12) Citizen’s Rights and Benefits
13) Roles and Responsibilities of a Citizen
14) Suspension, Revocation, and Renouncement of Citizenship
15) Registrar (Membership Clerk)
16) Registry
17) Regulations
18) Amendment Process
19) Transfers

Terms and Conditions

1. The GRFN will not be responsible for any costs incurred by a Consultant in preparing and submitting proposals and/or attending interviews. The GRFN accepts no liability of any kind to a Consultant prior to the signing of a contract.

2. Consultant may amend or withdraw their proposals prior to the closing date and time specified in the RFP by way of written or faxed notice to our HR Department. After the closing date and time, proposals may not be withdrawn.

3. Proposals submitted shall be final and may not be altered by subsequent offerings, discussions, or commitments.

4. The Consultant must identify any information in its proposal that it considers to be confidential or proprietary.

5. The GRFN Governance Committee reserves the right to accept or reject, in whole or in part, any or all proposals.

6. Prices quoted are to be held firm for a minimum of 120 days following the RFP closing date and shall remain in effect through the duration of the agreement.

7. The Consultant’s proposal shall form part of the contractual agreement by attachment and will be incorporated by reference. Claims made in the proposal shall constitute contractual warranties. Any provision in the proposal may be included in the contractual agreement as direct provision thereof.

8. The successful Consultant agrees to obtain and maintain all professional certifications, licenses necessary to lawfully provide the services required under this request for proposals.

Project Assignment /Description

Copyright in, and all information and material (called “Intellectual Property Right”) which is acquired by or prepared by the bidder(s) remain the sole property of the Garden River First Nation.

All project deliverables will be maintained by the GRFN.

It is a requirement that all originals and copies of documents provided by the GRFN Governance Committee and staff that have not been approved for public release will be returned upon completion of the project.

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