The Restorative Justice program is funded through the Ministry of the Attorney General. This program is open to identifying First Nation individuals within the Algoma District for a pre & post charge diversion. Our objective is to restore peace and balance within the community by supporting First Nation peoples involved in the mainstream criminal justice system and incorporating the wisdom of holistic healing traditions from our First Nations heritage into the process.



Walking the Straight Road

The Restorative Justice Program is represented by the name “Gweyek Ji- Bimoseng,” which translates to “Walking the Straight Road.” This name was kindly bestowed to Garden River First Nation by Elder, Barbara Nolan. The colours seen in the logo were chosen based on their complementary positions to one another on the colour wheel. These opposing colour combinations represent a transitioning from one side to another. The outer edge of this logo is surrounded by the shape of Turtle Island, which will emulate how the people involved in the program will be surrounded by the support of their community, its strength, and the hope of change.



The Restorative Justice Program accepts cases both before and after charges are filed (pre & post charge diversion). Instead of going through the regular justice system, the individuals involved will be directed to the program. An intake process is performed by the Justice Worker with the accused. A healing circle will take place with the accused, victim and volunteer community members. Every accused takes responsibility for their actions and collaborates on a support plan rehabilitation through various activities.

The success of the program depends on both strong partnerships and referrals. The Justice Worker will maintain communication with the accused and external service providers for smooth program delivery.

Upon successful completion of the program, the accused will have their charges withdrawn by the Crown Attorney.



  • Respect the “talking piece”.
  • Speak from the heart.
  • Share just enough.
  • Listen with respect.
  • Remain in the circle.
  • Honour confidentiality.


The Restorative Justice Program aims to
mend the damage caused by crime & violence
through three main approaches.

1. Addressing the needs of the victims
2. Holding the accused accountable for their
actions in a meaningful way
3. Involving the community actively in the
justice process



Justice Worker

Garden River First Nation, ON

T: (705)946-6300 ext. 244

C: (705)989-7813

Considering being a part of our Justice Committee? Please reach out to Robyn Hache for an application today!